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Mary Crocker’s five reasons to participate in Pup Crawl

The fifth annual CNIB Guide Dogs Pup Crawl is here – and we’re overjoyed to announce that our dedicated and generous friends Mary and John Crocker are once again matching donations up to $50,000 for a fourth year in a row. That means every dollar raised will have double the impact!

What is Pup Crawl?

Pup Crawl is a five-kilometre fundraising event that spans six weeks. Beginning April 17 and running until May 31, participants across the country will log their 5k however they choose to support guide dogs and their handlers from coast to coast to coast.

As long-time supporters of Pup Crawl and CNIB Guide Dogs, Mary and John Crocker are committed to helping people who are blind, Deafblind, or have low vision live more empowered, independent, and active lives.

We were thrilled to connect with our friend Mary Crocker to get her top five reasons to participate in 2024 Pup Crawl:

  1. Every dollar counts: Your registration fee and/or donation will help provide a CNIB guide dog to a person who is blind, all at no cost to them.

  2. You do not have to be an athlete to register for Pup Crawl: Participants only have to complete five kilometres of an activity of their choice – walking, running, yoga, stretching, chair exercises, even crawling – over the course of the event. This means that anyone regardless of physical limitations can contribute to this important cause!

  3. You will change lives: We have witnessed how a guide dog transforms the life of a person who is blind, Deafblind, or has low vision. These remarkable dogs bring safety, independence, joy, and companionship to a person living with blindness, so that person can live life with enhanced freedom and mobility.

  4. You will help children and youth, too: By participating in Pup Crawl, you will also help provide CNIB buddy dogs to children and youth who are blind or have low vision. Whether it’s feeding, grooming, or walking these well-trained family pets, buddy dogs give kids between the ages of seven and 16 an opportunity to care for a dog, and in some cases, help make it easier to transition into a guide dog partnership in the future.

  5. The more the merrier: The more donations the CNIB Guide Dog program receives, the more dogs CNIB can raise, train, and match with people who are blind.

Thank you, Mary and John Crocker, for your generosity and support, and for being such dedicated friends of CNIB!

If you would like to support CNIB Guide Dogs by participating in the 2024 Pup Crawl, please register at cnib.ca/pupcrawl. Every dollar raised between April 17 and May 31 will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $50,000 by Mary and John!